Appetizers are the weakest players in the lineup.
United was one of the industry's weakest players before the attacks.
By 11 and 12, it's not required, and some coaches relegate their weakest players to a season of outfield.
This long-held government strategy has sheltered the industry's weakest players and stunted reform of the financial industry.
And some of the weakest players got more sand kicked in their faces.
A. Except under the most extreme scenarios, whatever solvency threat that may exist is limited to the weakest players.
Portugal, as the weakest player, could not avoid continued struggle.
Sometimes, the youngest players who seek coaching may be the weakest players on a team.
She quit after one season, upset because the coach would play her only in center field in the final two innings, with the weakest players.
The safety net protecting the weakest players leaves the strongest with little incentive to improve.