Horst sat at the rear, which was now the front, staring out with his weapon poised.
They stood side by side, weapons poised, as the Predator's long fingers danced on the ancient keypad.
He noted the weapons poised in their hands.
One by one the team slipped into the building, weapons poised to cut down any opposition.
He kept his weapon poised in his hand as he slowly walked over to the first block.
The Gnome and the stranger faced each other wordlessly for a moment, weapons poised.
Cautiously, he moved through the open doorway, his weapon poised at the level of his waist.
Once more his feet were carrying him relentlessly, almost silently, toward the Sword-room, and in each hand he still held a heavy weapon poised.
Against all common sense, he beamed at the sight of a dozen weapons poised to deliver perforated death.
Ninja stared back at him from the inky darkness beyond the door, weapons poised.