These weapons eliminate the need to smuggle bullets and don't produce a muzzle flash when fired.
Administration officials say there is evidence that both countries may have chemical weapons or the potential to produce them.
Among the 500 objects are artifacts, weapons, kayaks, beadwork and drums produced between about 1780 to 1910.
By 1950, nuclear weapons were capable of destroying entire cities, and produced dangerous radiation.
There might just be some connection, and these ancient weapons can produce some awkward surprises.
And from the terrorists' viewpoint no government that did allow such activities could be trusted not to confiscate the weapons produced.
He said the weapon could not have produced any of the bullets.
(2)How many nuclear weapons has it produced so far in President Bush's four years in office?
South Africa has denied having atomic weapons, but not the capacity to produce them.
The weapons can produce actual tears in subspace, and are extremely unpredictable.