Its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capacity has been crippled.
Bastu was coming within range of its weapons capacity, not to mention close enough to draw fire from the enemy.
Israel has not commented on claims that it has nuclear weapons capacity.
The other side is making pronouncements so they have to as well," he said, speaking of Iran's recent announcements about its weapons capacity.
Iran has also been working energetically toward developing a nuclear weapons capacity, American intelligence says.
The spread of nuclear weapons capacity has been slower than most experts thought likely when the nuclear nonproliferation treaty was signed in 1968.
By 1969, the Nixon administration had concluded that Israel had some nuclear weapons capacity and gave up on inspections.
"Dr. Brownell, we're going to have to put priority on weapons capacity."
"But I assume it still does have full shield and weapons capacity."
We must prevent any further escalation and ensure that no nuclear, biological, chemical or other weapons capacity is available for this kind of conflict.