Then tritium production could begin anew, but in much smaller quantities than before it was suspended, to maintain weapons stocks at the agreed level.
We should explore the weapons stocks in empires under our control.
The army bombarded rebel weapons stocks in the Aleppo region to prevent the arms from reaching the rebels in the city, according to a security official.
And you've wasted your time coming here, because I don't know anything about the Blackshirts' weapons stocks, they never tell me anything.
A drastic reduction of nuclear weapons stocks is not just long overdue, Russian experts noted.
It would also order Iraq to cooperate fully with United Nations inspectors now monitoring Iraqi weapons stocks and production.
Elsewhere, UN officials reported progress on the destruction of Iraq's chemical and biological weapons stocks [see pp. 38406-07].
The South Korean Army can draw on these weapons stocks on a "pay as you use" basis, if the United States approves.
The Nasdaq has more than 1,200 computer-related, biotechnology, medical instruments, telecommunications and weapons stocks, or 25 percent of its total.