For years, China has violated its own pledges and international agreements on matters ranging from weapons transfers to prison labor and generally gotten away with it.
Israel has sent a team of officials to Moscow to show the Russians the evidence of what they say can only be Syrian weapons transfers.
The broader issues of Israel's foreign military sales program were decided by a cabinet committee on weapons transfers.
At the beginning of 2009, Azerbaijani media published allegations that Russia had made extensive weapons transfers to Armenia throughout 2008 costing about $800 million.
The US, Germany and Israel were all opposed to weapons transfers to Syria.
The law only covers sanctions against the Chinese companies involved in weapons transfers and therefore does not apply to the supercomputer.
Such a treaty would require countries to comply with international human rights and humanitarian law standards when authorizing weapons transfers.
For example, there is the issue of light weapons transfers and many other ideas that, in my opinion, significantly enrich the general concept.
Regev was referring to article 8 of the resolution which calls for an end to all weapons transfers to Hezbollah.
McKinney worked on legislation to stop conventional weapons transfers to governments that are undemocratic or fail to respect human rights.