Some villagers wear charms or use other folk practices to protect themselves from harm.
There were five of them, dressed in dark robes and wearing charms of twisted hair on their wrists.
But what was worse, was that the very first petitioners wore charms against dark magic into her presence.
She had a spell for every circumstance, and was forever wearing charms.
The matron told me I was too big to wear lucky charms, and tried to get it away from me.
He was a highly superstitious ancient, so he wore various charms of a quasi-religious nature.
They wear charms in order to protect themselves from the evil spirits.
She has mental problems and always wears charms, talismans, and amulets.
Ottomans often wore little charms, such as necklaces, to protect themselves from evil.
No one noticed right away because Sawa almost never did anything to be noticed and today she wore charms reinforcing that.