Lagat has said he intends to use the prize money to create a men's wear collection, which he intends to showcase in February 2009.
The outfit that attracted the most attention was Michael Kors's, who recently showed his first complete men's wear collection.
There will be a perfume, and she will show her first full men's wear collection in Paris in January.
In October, they will show their first men's wear collection, based on the clean, soft-spoken comfort of their women's line.
Nowadays she presents her show early in the day and near the beginning of Milan's twice-yearly women's wear collections.
And for the first time, there are more influential designers with serious men's wear collections than without.
It was their best men's wear collection.
It now produces eleven women's wear collections per year and a full line of women's shoes.
A men's wear collection was introduced in 1967.