She was wearing a brown, cream, and black pantsuit.
Both wore Neserean cream and blue, and Anna wished she had wom her dagger, and brought the lutar.
And her mother, looking unusually alert and hectic, wore cream and brown also, made up in a more complicated manner.
Later, in a hospital, Griffin has recovered and is wearing facial cream so that he can be visible again.
I think you should wear peach and cream and pale green, sage green, and grey perhaps.
"It's sort of like wearing cream that doesn't have an S.P.F." Some sports benefit from specific lens colors.
I'll start wearing curlers and cold cream to bed.
Do not wear body powder, cream, deodorant, or lotion on your chest the day of the test.
Today, Western brides frequently wear white, cream, or ivory dresses for any number of marriages; the color of the dress is not a comment on the bride's sexual history.
The pattern has developed just often enough in some of Indiana's finest basketball seasons that the people wearing cream and crimson in this town are clinging to the past for comfort.