The man was fat, with the soft hands of a southron noble, though he wore his red beard in the Khalidoran fashion.
Since they are not in contact with the ground they are not worn away in the usual fashion.
Women were prohibited from wearing head scarves in the Islamic fashion at university lectures and classes.
For years after she left the colony, she still wore a long dress and head scarf in the fashion of Hutterite women.
He wore a curved sword in the Cotswold fashion, on the waist for a cross draw.
They were prosperous looking men, most of them middle aged and more, wearing Darkovan dress in the fashion of the cities.
The Athenian females also wore their hair in the same fashion, which was in their case called korymbos.
In school, all the students dress alike and wear their hair in the same fashion.
He wore a handsome off-white linen suit in the voluminous Italian fashion.
She wore her hair in the fashion of the day: long, parted down the middle, and straight as a board.