The women, moreover, agreed not to wear rouge or to associate with others who did!
I put lunch together and then Rosie shows up wearing rouge on her cheeks.
And unless she was imagining it, Mm was wearing rouge, too.
I was scared she'd be wearing scarlet and lip rouge of a shade that would make her look like a vampire at snack time.
In some times and places, both men and women wore rouge, such as during the Regency period in England.
Nor, she said, were they to wear heavy rouge, false eyelashes or bright fingernail polish.
She spoke in exclamation points and italics, wore rouge on her ears and, as is often said of such people, "knew everybody."
The famous actress, Sarah Bernhardt, began wearing lipstick and rouge in public.
Auntie Maisie's been out with a man, I know for a fact, and she wears rouge.
If she did wear rouge, she was trying to attract other men.