The next wave of wearable devices expected to hit the market will be smart watches.
Ready or not, it's already here - and wearable devices are leading the revolution.
A portable communications device is a hand-held or wearable device.
Kickstart is a wearable device, or orthosis, that gives users stability and the ability to walk independently.
Last month, they began using for short stretches of time a lightweight, wearable device that looks like a metal spider attached to a harness.
Wearables, because inputs are limited for wearable devices, speaking is a natural possibility.
There's a major movement going on in the electronics and computer industries to develop wearable devices for what's being called the post-PC era.
An orthosis is a wearable device that acts in parallel to the affected limb.
There are many wearable devices on the horizon.
Designed to deliver lidocaine, an anesthetic, the system is a small wearable device containing a patch filled with the drug.