Rimmer tells Kryten not to be a smart-alec, and the weary crew head home.
On arriving in Uruguay, Frank, saddled with a weary and splintered crew and a shortage of cash, pulled out of the race.
Behind him came his weary crew.
As dawn broke, 22 April, Grenadier's weary crew sighted two Japanese ships heading for them.
Waves began to rock the vessel and wind kicked at the shrouds, drawing a cheer from the weary crew.
It was a weary crew that sat upon the bank that night, watching the ship riding at anchor.
The storm finally began to fade on the fifth day, although gray seas still rose high around the laboring galley and her weary crew.
Request permission to dock and off-load this weary crew.
Wagons were moving from comer to corner while weary crews filled them with the festival flotsam.
The weary crew took out the pegs which held their shelter in place and retreated behind it.