The weasel-faced man grabbed me by the arm and urged me blinking into the firelight.
"It's good to be back in Tolnedra again," the weasel-faced little man said expansively once they were out of earshot.
Beyond, Alex backed against the wall as a wiry, weasel-faced man with a knife approached her.
Over there- the weasel-faced man in a green coat!
He looked over at Fenring, as if the weasel-faced man could explain himself.
"Belgarath," the weasel-faced little man objected, "sometimes you've got a nasty habit of keeping things to yourself."
The two weasel-faced men came forward along the rain-slick deck.
He stopped, then gruffly grasped the weasel-faced man by the shoulders.
The weasel-faced man rose from his chair.
He was a weasel-faced little man, a petty politician without an ounce of sand in his craw.