Fortunately, the weather cleared in the interim, and the 4,000 ships and landing craft assembled for the assault on the beaches of Normandy departed for the real thing on the 5th.
Countdown clocks visible to the public did not begin showing the time until after the weather cleared and there was nine minutes to the planned liftoff.
The weather cleared at noon just as we were being relieved by fresh troops equipped with pack animals, wood and other items of equipment.
For the next six days, heavy rain held up the fighting, until the weather cleared on 2 October.
Yet the confused weather cleared before men could stumble from the forecastle.
He left him grumbling and puttering about the room and went in search of Lady Adella, determined to see her before the weather cleared and he and Bertrand left Penderleigh.
As the weather cleared and the old swans sailed into view, flanking bedraggled Ducky, I was on my way to a meeting.
On 12 April 1204, weather conditions finally favoured the Crusaders as the weather cleared and a second assault on the city was ordered.
What had she been thinking of, not insisting that he come with her and wait until the weather cleared?
The weather cleared by 19 February when the Rs.