Next day the weather seriously disrupted another attempt to tow more gliders to the Son area.
Bad weather, and disease disrupted the voyage, and more than half of the crew in the 'Trinidad' died.
This would become a general failsafe measure if the weather disrupted the shooting schedule.
It was the second time this month that the weather disrupted commuting in the region.
"It's very frustrating because the weather has disrupted our momentum again," he told the Southend Echo.
The bad weather also disrupted international flights, and knocked out electricity to over 2 million households.
Extreme weather can discourage tourists and disrupt travel and leisure services.
When weather disrupts operations, controllers can refer to the alternate routes by predetermined code names.
Particularly bad weather in England also disrupted the airline's schedule, adding to the number of bags that missed connections.
Bad weather there the night before had disrupted observations by his team.