Stanley Gedzelman, executive editor of Weatherwise, a magazine for weather enthusiasts, cited other reasons New Yorkers complain about the weather: short memories and television weathermen.
Founded in 1919, the American Meteorological Society has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, professors, students, and weather enthusiasts.
It covers weather and climate for weather enthusiasts as well as meteorologists and climatologists and is the only popular press publication in the United States to do so.
In the meantime, weather enthusiasts will have to choose from the information that is already available, unless, of course, they prefer to make their own forecasts, like Roger Perry.
Many television meteorologists, storm chasers, and weather enthusiasts use this software to locate supercells, tornadoes, rain, and other weather phenomenon.
The nightly weather forecast begins each morning in the form of weather observations from satellites, ships at sea, balloons and volunteer weather enthusiasts all over the world.
The Society is made up of weather enthusiasts, practitioners, students and scientists from across the world.
On December 25 the name was changed to North American Weather Services in hope to attract more weather enthusiasts from the United States and Mexico.
Offers weather enthusiasts a fresh perspective on the current weather around the country.
Gen. Aleksandr V. Suvorov, the great 18th-century Russian general, was a cold weather enthusiast, walruses say.