The day was in fact one of some suspense, at least in the world of weather watchers.
Seems there's some turbulence in the world of weather watchers.
But for weather watchers, this out-of-season heat created excitement.
Still, weather watchers said the temperatures did not come close to breaking any records for the day.
But as crazy as Mother Nature's mood swings may seem, experienced weather watchers say they are more normal than not.
So professional weather watchers say the city is likely to break its record for a snow drought - 2.8 inches in 1973.
For nearly three years, the site has allowed weather watchers to add their stations to a growing regional list.
You will be weather watchers roaming the hills and watching for all the little changes which the machines can't interpret fast enough.
If so, weather watchers who did not catch today's wind-chill factor can easily calculate their own: Take the wind speed in meters per second.
It turned out there were a lot of avid weather watchers out there.