Those laborers-carpenters, electricians, diggers-ranged in age from energetic teenagers to weather-beaten old men.
Instead, these weather-beaten men raced for the sheer joy of it, for the fierce pleasure of mastering car, track and competitors.
The oldest person in the Company was Aviger, a smallish, weather-beaten man with brown skin and little hair.
He was a big weather-beaten man dressed in a lot of gold braid.
The weather-beaten man shrugged.
The lean, weather-beaten man stood up, dislike written loud on his features.
The bishop merely snorted dismissively as the weather-beaten man left.
The glance went from the child to the weather-beaten man with white hair who sat at the end of the table.
Suddenly Frodo noticed that a strange-looking weather-beaten man, sitting in the shadows near the wall, was also listening intently to the hobbit-talk.
On a damp winter morning, 20 weather-beaten men waited at a bleak corner in east Vancouver.