On the block of weathered, look-alike buildings, neighbors said the couple kept to themselves.
Other, more weathered buildings lay farther off, separated from these by more wire with fangs.
Today it is a privately owned ghost town with only a few weathered, original buildings.
It is now a privately owned ghost town with only a few weathered, original buildings at the site.
Behind the weathered building they found an old white van.
In the weathered brick-and-frame buildings, he saw only his past.
"Going to have to put you up in the barracks," Erinakios said, pointing to a weathered wooden building.
Father Michael entered the open door of the weathered building, the others right behind.
The restaurant is on the 2nd floor in a weathered building.
From the outside, it's beautiful -many large shade trees, open space, pleasant, weathered buildings.