Two months before the day, a weathered, wizened little man showed himself at Casca's door.
A weathered man, he was only moderately tall, but the way he carried himself made him seem taller.
He was a tall, lean, weathered man of middle years.
Standing with him was a weathered, keen-eyed man in his late thirties.
He was a big, weathered man with stiff gray hair that, cut quite short, made a kind of wiry brush on top of his head.
By autumn he has grown into the weathered old man of his standard depictions.
After a moment the picture resolved to reveal a weathered man.
The one thing they all had in common was they were tough, weathered men.
He is a white haired, weathered man, in his late 60's or even early 70's.
A group of weathered men was sitting there, passing around a bottle and speaking in law voices.