Most items sold out within 24 hours, with lines up to 100 people long waiting for restocking, and Target's website crashed repeatedly.
"Apparently the official website has already crashed three times from over-subscription."
The website crashed after its release due to unexpected demand.
To make matters worse - the bank's website crashed.
Once tickets were available, many ticket vendors' websites and hotlines crashed due to demand.
When more tickets were promised later in the week, the website crashed as soon as the ticket distribution began, causing many fans to miss out.
After the website crashed in 2011 due to an unexpectedly large number of users, significant resources were dedicated to prevent a recurrence.
In the next column, when I asked readers to send in pictures of their dogs, the website crashed.
Expect some gnashing of teeth too - websites often crash on sale day, so be patient.
The website then crashed and was inaccessible for two hours due to server issues.