It was Gaelen who found the boy, wedged deep in a narrow cleft in the rocks halfway up the slope.
"It's not fair," Mr. Hughes said, standing near his car in the cold evening, hands wedged deep into the pockets of his leather jacket.
The lens was a black tube the diameter of a nickel, wedged deep in a crack in the molding where the wall met the ceiling.
But as Conan tugged vainly at his sword, wedged deep in the hairy body, the frothing jaws snapped spasmodically shut, an inch from the Cimmerian's face, and he was hurled to the sward by the dying convulsions of the monster.
The man looked like a blow-fish: puffed cheeks, bulging lips, teeny eyes wedged deep under a pimpled, protuberant brow.
He scrambled up the steep slopes, weaving among mountain trees and dark serrano bushes, grasping roots wedged deep into the slanting soil.
But to do so, he also has to resolve conflicts wedged deep in the Polish church, which since Communism collapsed has found itself much more subject to public scrutiny and criticism.
But climbing down among the rocks, we discovered a dozen mangled lobster traps wedged deep into the narrow crevices between them, a feat of violence that only a ferocious surf could have achieved.
He yanked it out of the snow, leaving his shoe wedged deep.
More than 5,000 new residential units are being created, many from former office buildings wedged deep in the financial canyon, which alliance officials believe will help them achieve their goal of a 24-hour neighborhood.