This extraordinary week of public grief suggests to me they have made a terrible error.
Other data reported earlier this week, including April retail sales, suggested that consumer spending had dropped sharply in the beginning of the quarter.
He may return during the summer, but last week suggested to Brazilian media sources that his absence may be extended into the fall.
The last few weeks, though, have suggested a couple of ways in which popularity might mean something.
Last week on Clip joint you suggested some head-spinningly great hat-throwing clips.
Testing for several weeks afterwards suggested that, once gone, these memories never come back.
A few weeks before the weddings, at a board meeting, he suggested that the mayor's job be made full time.
A research study published this week suggests that after the end of a relationship a broken heart really can hurt.
A new survey released this week suggests just how necessary that new era may be.
Two weeks of vacation a year suggests they're choking on it.