Golf is great because even the weekend hacker can play that second shot Tiger hit into 18 on Saturday at this year's U.S. Open.
In the first set, Edberg stayed on the baseline, mixing his shots, most of which looked as if they here hit by a weekend hacker in a public park.
Weighing a mere 8.3 ounces, it promises to blast past titanium models and become the power racquet for weekend hackers.
The difference between Norman and the weekend hacker?
Every weekend hacker knows that the game of golf isn't fair, but perhaps no one knows that better than the man who might be the best player in the world.
With millions of television viewers watching, Norman sprayed balls around the Augusta National Course like a weekend hacker.
Tiger Woods made the rest of the field look like a bunch of weekend hackers during the third round of the 100th Western Open today.
The only downside was the stray drives of weekend hackers that sometimes struck the barn's windows.
Knoblauch wasn't seeking advice from any weekend hacker, or anyone else.
Oversize high-tech rackets, once symbols of new power for the weekend hacker, are now blamed for the one-dimensional baseline rallies in the pro game.