Across the country, re-enactors hold weekend-long events that are closed to spectators.
Volunteers make 7,000-8,000 pounds of sausage to sell at the weekend-long event.
Crafts and food vendors can spend the entire summer on the powwow circuit, moving from one weekend-long event to the next.
The Festival is a weekend-long event held on the 3rd weekend of every September.
Following the original July 13 broadcast, the episodes were each shown on the following two nights in a different order, completing the weekend-long event.
Generally a weekend-long event, its two stages are in continuous use from early afternoon to dawn, featuring performances by around 30 bands every year.
Today the Ski to Sea is considered an entire weekend-long event that is centered around the race.
The weekend-long event is geared for children.
These weekend-long events add up to an extended house party, with about 150 people traveling up and down the East Coast.
A summer musical theater festival modeled on Tanglewood, the first annual weekend-long event was held last month.