The program boasts a weekly audience of well over five million listeners.
At the time it was cancelled the program cost $500,000 per year to produce and had a weekly audience of 190,000.
Sara had a weekly audience between 650,000 and 750,000 viewers.
But the publication's weekly audience, or the number of people who see each issue, is 20 million.
During its most popular period the programme had a weekly audience of over 4 million.
This show had a weekly audience of over 4 million.
In 1963 the radio program had a weekly audience of four million and received 4,000 letters a week.
The evangelistic program has a potential weekly audience of 1,000,000.
The average weekly audience as of June 2009 was 188 million.
The service has a potential weekly audience of 60 million, the company said.