The Advisory Board receives weekly briefings on the state of the association.
Wu, at a weekly briefing, appeared keen to play up China's cooperation with the United States over a number of sensitive issues.
There's a weekly briefing with my department, and the occasional special request for information.
"The agreement has to be of equals," he told a weekly briefing.
CCG staff on site helped out with a weekly briefing.
"If something comes along, he may get that chance," Carroll said at his weekly briefing with reporters.
The events began at a weekly briefing that Mr. Armey holds in his office for radio broadcasters preparing weekend programs.
"I don't think it's very good for my credibility," she said today at her weekly briefing with reporters.
"Global Primer" is a weekly briefing on issues in foreign policy and world events.
Then there was the weekly briefing this afternoon with my department, the five of us Komarran affairs analysts and General Allegre.