The series presents a weekly compilation of human interest stories and interviews from the network's various local and regional programs. The weekly compilation of money-saving advice from various blogs gives a wide range of tips on frugal living.
The section was a weekly national compilation of the five records most added to the playlist of the radio stations reporting to Billboard.
Mr. Michel himself is the founder of, a commercial site based in San Francisco that offers daily and weekly compilations of military-related news.
The OPLIN 4cast is a weekly compilation of public library headlines, topics, and trends, published in a blog format.
At first they sold printed scorecards with baseball data directly to fans, until The Telegram daily newspaper purchased their weekly compilation of "averages" in 1916.
Ekspress-Khronika is a weekly compilation of reports on demonstrations, arrests and public declarations, supplemented by articles on Government policy.
The alerts are usually weekly compilations of sightings in a given area, mostly of rare or interesting birds, often with very specific directions on how to find them.
News', a weekly compilation of the developments in the education sector.
For example, the N.F.L. releases a weekly compilation of injuries, with details about each injury and the player's availability.