The orchestra practices weekly and hosts concerts three times a year.
Since 1938, there have been weekly concerts and performances in the outdoor amphitheater during the summer months.
The orchestra performed its first public concert was in 1927, and began to give weekly concerts in 1928.
He is the first of six current and recent competition prize winners to appear in this season's series of 12 weekly concerts.
Every July carillonneurs from all over the world come to play weekly concerts.
Eclectic is a good word for the weekly concerts.
There is also an amphitheater where there are weekly outdoor concerts during the summer.
The guild organized weekly concerts and created a forum for the "jazz revolution" of 1964.
The band held weekly concerts around 57 Romanian cities, with an estimated 1 million audience from 1997 to 1999.
The school has a 600-seat auditorium constructed in 1995 and holds weekly concerts.