But after turning pro last June, the expectation of greatness and the weekly grind of the PGA Tour took their toll: he finished 90th on the money list.
Trapped in a weekly grind, the series has reverted to padding.
CBS wanted to renew the show for another year, but by this time, Burnett had grown tired of the weekly grind.
Every once in a while, though, an exception slips through the cracks, somehow transcending the limitations of the grueling weekly grind.
After the 2001 British Open, Duval went through a draining breakup with his fiancée and a string of injuries, often questioning whether the weekly grind was worth it.
The weekly grind of the show, Ms. Gless added, "has aged me probably 10 years in five.
The weekly grind is tearin' me apart!
In the spring of 1966, Reed had grown tired of the weekly grind and wanted to retire despite the show's decent ratings.
He was sincere in his effort to leave "Prairie Home Companion," but quickly found he missed the weekly grind of building a show from scratch.
In the northern hemisphere, where the pitches are heavier and the weekly grind more physically relentless, a little no-nonsense experience is always handy.