Still another factor that prompted some selling was the unexpected low volume of soybeans being prepared for export, according to the Government's latest weekly inspection report, which was released Monday.
Her mind darted back to that morning when, as soon as she had seen the twins bathed and dressed, she had begun her weekly housekeeping inspection.
A 23-year-old air-conditioning maintenance worker fell to his death from the roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday morning while performing a regular weekly inspection, the police said.
But the judge refused to make a formal order allowing the unions to arrange for independent weekly inspections of the pits, to ensure they were not deteriorating.
An employee monitors the sculptures with weekly inspections, driving around in a golf cart "outfitted with brooms, brushes, a ladder, calipers, thermometers and a can of Pepsi."
He admits that he goes through the course only during his weekly inspections, to make sure everything is in order, spending his free time on the parks' jumps and rails.
The trains were only allowed to operate at conventional speeds and had to go through a weekly inspection.
The state has prohibited the nursery from accepting more leaves, while it conducts weekly inspections of the composting area.
Their way of life changed swiftly; their visits to the mines fell to a weekly inspection and they left it to their hired men.