He was not aware of the decision when he attended the weekly luncheon with fans earlier in the day.
"I'm going to recommend weekly luncheons with you," she added.
Senator Packwood spoke to his colleagues at the Republicans' private weekly luncheon as the Senate reconvened after the summer recess.
Mr. Wright first signaled his intention to resign today as he headed for his weekly luncheon with the Texas delegation.
A news agency article on his assertion circulated at the weekly luncheon for Democratic Senators.
Regular weekly luncheons for speakers began in 1932 with an appearance by president-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt.
But his campaign schedule no longer allows for his weekly luncheons with President Clinton or for him to be on hand every time a foreign leader visits.
Rumball became the secretary of the Rochester City Club when it was formally organized in 1910 to provide programs for weekly luncheons at a downtown hotel.
The Factory House host a weekly luncheon where members meet for lunch to discuss the wine industry and business.
Lawyers at the firm say there is no rigid system of supervision, though partners are expected to attend a weekly luncheon.