His weekly message was not only that the stock market could be understood, but that it could be conquered.
The church maintains a Bible study resource on its website as well as audio and video recordings of weekly messages.
The company put a weekly recorded message on a toll-free number, called by many U.A.W. workers, that strongly criticized the competence of union leaders.
Initially, he sent weekly taped messages to employees' telephones.
Join her online club, and she'll send you an encouraging weekly e-mail message with information about the section of the book you've just read.
With that, he turned on a cassette tape recorder and, as he does for his patients, began to record his personalized, weekly message.
Those issues have figured in the charges against Prodigy, which includes 114 billboards carrying 200,000 messages weekly.
Then, after her last weekly message, Liiset reminded me of that.
Then hear the Pope's weekly message as he enters the central stage.
A weekly message would be shown that only members with decoder cards would be able to read.