The median weekly pay of full-time workers followed a similar pattern.
Even with overtime £3 15s to £4 would be about their maximum weekly pay.
Her weekly pay of $275 is no fortune, but it beats the alternatives.
Further, Hitler was allowed to stay in the army and receive his weekly pay of 20 gold marks a week.
Average weekly pay in Britain at the time was about £25.
Workers received a solid increase in their weekly pay last month because the number of hours they worked rose to 34.2, from 34.1, on average.
And many workers think the shorter workweek will cut their weekly pay.
The Negro who brings home his weekly pay is dependent on no man.
Why did 88 male general assignment reporters average $59 more in weekly pay than 26 women?
Average weekly pay, including bonuses, grew by 1.8% on the year.