He started in New York, with his weekly pilgrimage to Shun Lee Dynasty, then the only four-star Chinese restaurant in the city.
At the same time, many onetime Astoria residents keep their heritage alive by making a weekly culinary, cultural and religious pilgrimage to the streets of their youth.
Not to mention that I no longer make the weekly pilgrimage to my Upper East Side shrink.
This was part of his weekly pilgrimage.
Sato's weekly pilgrimage had given him some free time.
My neighbor, Jim Clark, 47, spoke of weekly pilgrimages to the dump with his six siblings.
This weekly pilgrimage to the o-furo was a rite of respect for the memory of his father that the members of his clan spoke of endlessly.
To her they were the best kind of theater, and when I was growing up we made weekly pilgrimages to see the latest show.
"I call this the weekly pilgrimage for the Syrian middle class," said Motaz Hadaya, who works for a Western embassy in the Syrian capital.
Since the earliest mayflowers Anne had never missed her weekly pilgrimage to Matthew's grave.