This show, which aims to remedy that situation, was KRO's highest-rated television programme in 2008, achieving an average weekly viewership of 4.5 million.
Nova Sport appeals mainly to the male demographic aged 20-49 with sporting programs and events helping it achieve a weekly viewership of up to 563,000 during the fourth quarter of 2008.
In Canada the series finale finished 3rd in the weekly viewership with 2.13 million viewers.
The revamp of the series resulted in a 25% ratings increase, bringing the series's weekly viewership to 1.6 million people.
Last fall, the program's weekly viewership was estimated at 300,000 households.
On its original broadcast on February 1, 2007 at 9:00 ET, the episode averaged 24.18 million viewers, ranking ninth in weekly viewership with an 8.5 rating, according to Nielsen.
Going Local Burdekin has a weekly viewership of over 2000 Burdekin residents.
The ninth and tenth episodes ranked first in weekly viewership.
The weekly viewership of the series reached the level of 15 million during the third season.
With a weekly viewership of 300 million people, "One World" gave many Chinese their first glimpse of the outside world.