In 1993, 30,000 copies were produced weekly with a quarter of its sales abroad.
The price of the pass changes weekly with the exchange rate.
The paper is now a weekly with a circulation of 20,000.
Our journal has become a regular weekly with public distribution.
Since 1997, he has met weekly with the circle, although many of the members are not enrolled in the tribe.
They form a bulldog play group, which meets weekly with all or some of the participants at their owner's home.
And so in October, he decided to support the club, which began to meet weekly with 10 to 20 students.
The show had a grueling production schedule, being mostly weekly with a three to four month break between seasons.
She also meets weekly with the school's administrator and teachers.
Under his management, the newspaper won citations for public service and became the largest weekly in the nation, with a circulation of 20,000.