It might have seemed like an ordinary weeknight game against the dreadful Twins, but not to Clemens.
Due to this, the 1981 finals were the last to be broadcast on tape-delay, with weeknight games airing after the late local news in most cities.
They all have to balance full-time jobs with the team's schedule, which usually includes one weeknight game and one Saturday contest.
Scalpers for a weeknight game are getting $80 for $16 seats.
The times of the two weeknight games on the schedule, at Louisville and at Rutgers, were announced with the initial release schedule.
The announced attendance of 6,876 for a sultry weeknight game rescheduled from Oct. 6 seemed to be three times larger than the actual crowd.
After a recent weeknight game, he skipped the stand and waited to eat an omelet at home.
Gone were weeknight games; the new schedule had games on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Irabu made his highly publicized debut on July 10, 1997, drawing almost twice as many fans that night as they averaged for weeknight games.
CBS, or maybe ABC, would get a season package of 13 weeknight games that would lead into the post-season.