Night falls, and she apologizes to him, weeping profusely.
His father, a 55-year-old engineer also named Andrew, wept profusely as he told a reporter about his son: "It's his birthday.
Mr. Ali-Haimoud wept profusely, as did his mother, the only family member present.
Abu Bakr wept profusely and said, "Our fathers and mothers be sacrificed for you."
Sadao reluctantly accepts Pan back into her life, and breaks down, weeping profusely as the couple embraces.
Piotr came to visit him, took him into the chapel, and wept profusely, in a way Father Weksler-Waszkinel had never seen.
The two women hugged and kissed, weeping profusely.
He clung close, weeping profusely.
The school principal, according to the report, wept profusely.
She wept profusely when they showed it to her.