The weight of the huge volume of water depressed the valley floor.
Pleistocene glaciation put the area under a thick ice cover, the weight of which depressed the land below present sea level.
The sheer weight of glacial-age ice depressed the landforms, which experienced post-glacial rebound after the ice sheets had retreated.
He poured and sat down, his heavy weight depressing the soft padding of the couch.
"The weight of the silt depressed one end of the block and tipped up the other," he said.
The weight of the receiver no longer depresses the spring-loaded switchhook, thereby connecting the instrument to the telephone line.
A weight depressed the end of her bed.
The weight of the ice sheet depresses the underlying land, and when the ice melts away the land slowly rebounds.
He correctly concluded that the weight of the water in the deep lake had depressed the earth's surface when the shorelines were formed.
The weight of the receiver depresses the spring-loaded switchhook thereby disconnecting the idle instrument (except its bell) from the telephone line.