Daniel's weight plummeted to just over two stone when his condition was diagnosed last February.
He lost all movement in his limbs, was unable to swallow food and his weight plummeted.
As proof, Fletcher gleefully told how his weight had plummeted.
When several of these people were treated with leptin, they lost their appetites and their weight plummeted.
She suffered from severe amoebic dysentery and suddenly found that her weight had plummeted to 78 pounds.
When it is on, her weight plummets, she can't sleep, she cries a lot.
Smith felt a weight plummet from his gullet into his stomach.
The flightless weight plummeted to the ground.
His weight plummeted from 220 pounds to 175 pounds.
Shipp's normal weight of 240 pounds had plummeted to 198, mostly due to muscle loss.