The extra weight required to move the foot strengthens the leg for kicks.
The weights required depend almost entirely on the buoyancy of the suit.
He provides the weight, color and gravity required in his thundering entrances but does not always inflect or sustain them.
However, there is some evidence that the continual shifting of weight required to balance in a moving vehicle enhances blood circulation.
The added weight required major modifications to Ryan's standard M-2 airplane.
This increases the weight required to achieve a specific thrust relative to a jet which uses the oxygen in the air to burn the fuel.
He first went well over the weight required and created concern over whether he would look right for the part.
Customers continued to race several 908/3, fitted with extra weight as required by the rules.
That should increase its elasticity (less weight required).
The disadvantage, particularly for an aircraft engine, was the extra weight required to counterbalance the pistons.