Some weight trainers also take ergogenic aids such as creatine or steroids to aid muscle growth.
Some weight trainers perform light, high-repetition exercises in an attempt to "tone" their muscles without increasing their size.
An assistant provides just enough help to get the weight trainer past the sticking point of the exercise, and allow further repetitions to be completed.
You'd have a bigger pool of weight trainers.
In contrast, many weight trainers train to improve their strength and anaerobic endurance while not giving special attention to reducing body fat far below normal.
Some people advise weight trainers to consciously "exhale on effort" and to inhale when lowering the weight.
As with other sports, weight trainers should avoid dehydration throughout the workout by drinking sufficient water, even while not thirsty.
Various combinations of specific exercises, machines, dumbbells, and barbells allow weight trainers to exercise body parts in one or more ways.
A follow up study looked at a larger group of weight trainers over 24 weeks, with 12 week decompensation.
Aside from martial arts, Jason is an accomplished athlete, weight trainer and certified scuba diving instructor.