Included in the collection are four bell stands that rest on weighted hemispherical bases so that they sway to and fro.
It comes with a weighted base and lets you position the iSight camera in front of the screen so the chat can be more realistic.
Instead of being a simple cylinder, it's slightly tapered at the top to create a weighted base.
That vapour would condense on the underside of the polythene, would trickle down to the weighted base of the sheet, and drip into the biscuit tin below.
Large inflatable balloons with weighted bases are another kind of punching bag, often painted with a picture and sold as a children's toy.
Parasols are either secured in a weighted base or a built in mount in the paving.
A commonly produced version consists of a weighted base, a pair of twice-adjustable arms ending in crocodile clips, and optionally a magnifying glass, held together by flexible joints.
The weighted base of a heavy metal ash stand crashed a jagged hole in the office door.
But he sees tongs shaped almost like serpents, and there are two large cone mandrels on huge weighted bases.
Mobile screens usually use either a pull-down screen on a free stand, or pull up from a weighted base.