Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"Science has always moved by trial and error," he said weightily.
Though he spoke weightily, his voice carried through the racket.
They hung weightily, swaying, and stopped him in the doorway.
He spoke weightily - the words deliberately produced and, as it were, laid on the table.
His first words are spoken slowly, weightily: "Of the story to be told, so little, finally, is known.
After every such lightning, darkness closed in more weightily.
"Tragic," she said, shaking her head weightily over our father's fate.
'I've a pretty good idea now of the cause,' he told me weightily.
"The soldier of today is weightily equipped," he said.
The hinges were balanced to a hair - the whole thing swung weightily outward.
Though I grant you," he said weightily, "princes make good use of these occasions, for that matter.
The other nodded weightily, his eyebrows waving like soft antlers.
He said weightily: "I now will explain our venture.
Conover nodded weightily and looked up at him with a smile.
"It's hard to say," he told the Herald weightily.
Hastily overhauled to keep it from relying too weightily on fat jokes.
"The mystery gets deeper all the time," Fairbridge said weightily.
"Madam," said the bishop weightily, "you know the need and the urgency.
"Well, john, you may be right," old marston said weightily.
The most weightily traditional of musical instruments, the violin, becomes in her hands a phantasmagorical object.
He turned, weightily; nobody to be seen.
For the "higher" critics, opera is an exalted form dealing most weightily with the most serious of issues.
They went back for chairs and then the laird, the factor, and the minister sat down weightily, like judges.