"ciężko" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "ciężko" in Polish


the image to "hard" in Polish
  1. hard , *****
    • ciężko (gdy coś jest dla kogoś trudne)
      He works very hard.
      It's hard to sing and dance at the same time.
      It's hard for me to get up at 5:30 a.m.
      It was very hard for him to find a job.
      It's hard to imagine that people would do that for money.
      Przysłówka "hard" nie należy mylić z przysłówkiem "hardly", oznaczającym "ledwo, prawie nie".
  2. heavily ***
    • ciężko, mocno
      It's raining heavily.
      She smokes heavily - more than a pack a day.
      I was so tired that I slept heavily for over twelve hours.
  3. badly **
    • ciężko, dotkliwie, silnie
      Her arm hurt badly.
      He hit him badly.
      He was badly beaten.
  4. severely **
    • ciężko, poważnie
      The building was severely damaged.
      I was severely ill and had to go to hospital.
  5. stiffly
  6. awkwardly ,
  7. strenuously
  8. grievously
  9. heavy ****
    • ciężko, mocno
      Hit him heavy and run before he starts chasing you.
      He stamped heavy in his big black boots.
  10. ploddingly
    • ciężko (np. pracować)
  11. weightily
  12. lumpishly
  13. effortfully
  14. cumbrously
  15. turbidly
  16. heftily
  17. illy
  18. demandingly
  1. lumbering