Yet the weightier evidence is that the Najd refers to remains in existence until today in eastern Saudi Arabia.
And yet, strangely enough, it is in this particular tale that Tige finds his weightiest evidence of the actuality of the human race.
And you can talk up a storm using the big words, trying to fool the jury, to impress them with your weighty scientific evidence.
Why not apply the weighty evidence from the past to current-day eating habits?
To help Humphrey trim down, the Packers sent him to a hospital nutrition program, but the 26-year-old player didn't cooperate, Gregg said, citing some weighty evidence.
There seems to be so much weighty evidence against this view that it is difficult to accept it.
But the report found weightier evidence that the city's economic recovery had slowed down, if not come to a halt.
Less than one half of this weighty evidence would have been sufficient to convict any old woman, poor and ugly, even though she had not been a Jewess.
Yet the reviewer found Rubinstein's claims mostly persuasive and based on "weighty evidence."
But Judge Jones was unwilling to release Mr. Nicholson pending trial, citing "weighty evidence" that he committed espionage.