That is a weighty question the Yankees could have to face because their reliable pitchers are scarce.
In the afternoon, the remaining jurors were questioned about weightier questions, also in groups of three.
As they pose weighty questions of moral choice to themselves, they have to keep working and eating, too.
And, are such questions too weighty for this column?
It might even bear on the weighty question of whether or not dinosaurs had dreams.
Such a referendum would be among the weightiest constitutional questions placed before the electorate in years.
Viewers of the show may be left with slightly weightier questions.
When it came to the weighty question of ordering an umbrella stand, I was in no condition to make an educated decision.
Thus, as a reporter at the film's premiere on Tuesday night, we were required by law to ask the weighty question: What gives?
You might address that weighty question in your column some day.