There was no revelation, no sudden weird flashes in my head.
One moment he was walking angrily along the night-black highway; the next there was a weird flash of light, and then . . . nothing.
In the near distance she could hear a siren and see the weird flash of blue and red lights against the night.
When Kalyani looks into the havan fire, she starts getting weird flashes and some weird cries buzz in her head.
Now a weird flash turned night into day and showed every little grass-blade, separate and distinct, that grew about their feet.
She must tell them, not let them land because of that weird double flash of sight.
Those weird flashes of light he makes with his instruments seem also to shoot from them.
"I saw some weird flashes up here."
Preparing to enter the sea, she had a weird flash of herself from the sea's perspective.
But then she caught the edge of that weird pink flash you got when a transformer blew, and she heard it boom.